The Round Table dedicated to the theme of Credit and Real Estate took place in the splendid setting of villa Tolomei in Florence.
“Despite the high amount of gross impaired loans, the Italian banking system remains solid and has performed well on the NPL sales front. The banking channel remains the most widespread form of financing and makes the Italian financial system highly bank-centric”.
Together with Beppe Ghisolfi (Vice President and Treasurer ESBG) who moderates the round table, Prof. Nicola Miglietta (Associate Professor of Corporate Finance, University of Turin) talked about the scenario of Credit in Italy, with an important contributions also from guests : Alberto Sciumè (formerly independent director of Creval), Sauro Marianelli (Banca Lajatico Risk Manager), Fabio Pecorari (General Manager of BCC Anghiari and Stia), Irene Bertucci (Professor of sustainability report of the Suor Orsola Benincasa University of Naples).
Speakers Piercarlo Rolando, Luigi Avogadro, Nicola Arcaini – MRICS RRV Mirko Frigerio and Gianluigi Gola.