Our Data Intelligence & Quality Control department relies on highly competent analysts who excel in reading raw data and converting it into strategic information for business operations and decision making. decision making.
Our Big Data constantly feeds the ARES 2.0 management platform with auction data, documentation, and scheduling information, allowing the Data Intelligence & Quality Control department to carry out:
to provide our Clients with reliable information to support strategic and operative decisions.
In deliberative/normative processes, the Indipendent Expert is called upon to assess the adequacy of the value of credits subject to transfer/contribution in F.I.A.
RE Solutions Agency is a consulting firm owned by NPLs RE_Solutions that specialises in real estate foreclosure and insolvency procedures serving banks and NPL servicers.
Our Data Intelligence & Quality Control department relies on highly competent analysts who excel in reading raw data and converting it into strategic information for business operations and decision making.
The Global Asset Management Servicer department focuses on identifying real estate management strategies intended to enhance the assets’ value.
The Credit Management department provides our Clients across the board management services for deteriorated exposure, either NPL or UTP.
The Valuation department supports Clients with a range of services that rely on a series of appraisals starting from the credit acquisition stage.
NPLs RE_Solutions S.r.l.
Subsidiary of RINA Prime Value Services S.p.A.