103,895 lots, equal to 89% of the composition of real estate executions, consist of assets whose value at auction is less than € 250,000.
The total basic auction value of these assets is equal to € 6,722,176,072.32 and represents only 40% of the total value of all assets put up for auction in 2020. The average auction base value of granular properties has dropped to € 64,701.63 against the average value of past years, which means that the properties are sold at values significantly lower than the real market values in the past, creating a further loss in value.
Instead, there are 10,333 lots, equal to 8% of the composition of real estate executions, consisting of assets whose value at auction is less than € 1,000,000.
We give this reading of these: the total auction base value of these assets is € 4,729,342,490.73 and represents 28% of the total value of all assets published in auction in 2020.